The Bicycle Rider Back Vest Mark Deck has a special invisible infrared marker on the back. This mark is completely invisible to the human eye, so it is indistinguishable from a regular bicycle playing card. USPCC Genuine Bike Playing Cards are used to make a Bike Sign so it looks exactly like a regular Bike Playing Card.
Infrared contact lenses or sunglasses must be worn to see the markings. As shown below. The markings can be seen very clearly through the filter in the center of the infrared contact lens.

Blackjack Cheat Marks Cards
Take blackjack, for example, a poker game in which players must add up the points on the cards. Blackjack is the largest hand known as blackjack, and the number of points cannot exceed 21. If known in advance, it is possible to look at your opponent’s cards and make a better decision whether to get a new card.

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