Contact Lenses For Marked Cards

Professional gamblers and card scavengers often use contact lenses to read marked playing cards. They are very effective at reading the faintest markings on a card, and they are also very discreet. They are an affordable option and are not very difficult to use.

The most important thing about infrared contact lenses is that they are extremely effective at detecting invisible ink marks on marked cards. Infrared is invisible to human eyes, but can be reflected off the lens to make it visible. This means you can see the markings of a back card, even if others cannot.

Infrared lenses are also very easy to use, which makes them a great choice for people who want to get a good advantage in a game of poker. However, it is very important to make sure that you are getting the right type of infrared contact lenses for your needs.

Some infrared contact lenses can be seen with the naked eye. Others are invisible to most people. This can be a huge advantage in a game of poker, especially if you are playing against someone who is known for being a cheater.

They are made of plastic with a black center that is used to reflect the infrared. They are available in a variety of sizes and colors.

Infrared contacts allow the user see the markings of a card using a special camera lens. They are very good at detecting the ink marks on cards, and anyone can use them to gain an advantage in a poker game.

These infrared contacts are also very safe to wear, and they can be worn for hours without harming the eye. They are very discreet, and they can be worn while you are playing poker or any other type of casino game.

You can choose between infrared contact lenses made of plastic or metal. You should choose the right infrared contacts for your needs and remember to soak them in a solution prior to wearing them.

Some infrared contacts are very effective at detecting ink on a deck, while others are not. Some are better than others at detecting ink marks on a marked deck of cards, so it is important to find out what kind of infrared contact lenses will be best for you.

They are also very easy-to-use and discreet, making them an excellent option for people looking to gain an advantage in a poker game. They are highly effective at detecting ink and can be worn without harming your eyes for hours.